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HI-Tech Process: beauty, always

Lechler's proposal for the REFINISH sector is also characterised by the HI-Tech solution which, through the use of products with a broad spectrum of use, allows to obtain the highest level of aesthetic appearance and resistance over time, even in the most demanding application conditions and for all sizes of substrates to be painted!

Cars are not all the same, as well as the colours that distinguish them and the customers who own them. The HI-Tech Process becomes the ideal solution for all those UNIQUE repairs, where the highest priority is placed on the final quality of the result, without neglecting ease to obtain it.

In fact, the HI-Tech process allows to obtain results that are always up to the highest expectations, even in extreme conditions of temperature (30-35 ° C) and size of the substrate (complete car), thanks to the use of extremely flexible products in application and robust products in chemical / physical performance.

The HI-Tech process allows to maximise the final result, without particular impacts in terms of work processes and costs, thanks to:

  • EASY APPLICATION: in all conditions
  • FAST DRYING AT 60°C: times comparable to the most traditionally used technologies
  • HIGH AESTHETIC APPEARANCE: flow and brilliance, without absorption, stable over time

The HI-Tech PROCESS System consists of:

MF602-606-610 MACROFAN GREEN-TECH HS FILLER - Two-pack high solid acrylic primer filler with high filling power and fast drying. In the STANDARD version (MH100 line) it guarantees a wide application range, while maintaining excellent sealing power and good sanding in all different conditions and always ensuring a very low level of the finish absorption.

HYDROFAN HE BASECOAT SYSTEM - it is the matt water-borne basecoat that allows you to obtain maximum efficiency with performance and simplicity as of solvent-based products. This is a system of tinters, ready for use and without the need for stirring machines, which can be used for the creation of two-coat colours for cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles.
The system consists of a compact range of tinters, available according to use in different packs (1l, 0.5l and 0.25l), for the production of metallic, pearl, solid and effect colours.

ME400 MACROFAN PRIMA  UHS CLEARCOAT ESSE&RE CLEARCOAT Ultra-high solid transparent coating, formulated with raw materials derived from renewable sources, suitable for a wide range of applications, with a high aesthetic quality and rapid drying time. It can be used in ALL APPLICATION CONDITIONS and for ALL SIZES of surfaces, without ever compromising on maximum final quality and long-term durability.




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Lechler Map

Lechler Map ® - Management software designed for final users of Lechler Colours and Products.


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Technical and Safety Data Sheets

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Color Design

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Color Design

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