Lechler Tech presents Master Chroma Advanced: a wide collection of colours compatible with both Lechsys water-borne and solvent-based multi-purpose systems, especially developed for the industrial sector, including the Commercial Vehicle segment.
It guarantees a high matching level and an easy and precise identification of the colour. The colours proposed are representative of the most common tones in the reference industrial sectors.
Within Master Chroma Advanced we find 2.634 colour proposals, comprising 70 metallic finishes and 27 colours including undercoats and primers. The proposals are divided into 30 colour fans according to the product type, arranged by colour tone and ordered by brightness and saturation.
This colour proposal has recently been supplemented by two new colour fans (called I1 and I2, for a total of 200 colours) for all applications requiring higher opacity in the critical Yellow, Orange and Red (GAR) colour ranges, in order to meet the main colour match requests of the most diverse and demanding sectors.
The colorimetry of the collection (in addition to containing the complete range of Binders from the Lechsys Base System, recently also integrated by the new Isofan Binders) has now also been thoroughly extended to the main Binders from the Lechsys Hydro system, thanks to the incorporation of new yellow and orange tinters.
Finally, thanks to the use of the Barcode printed on the back of each colour chip the access to the formulations of each colour will be immediate, safe and simple.
The chromatic completeness and the care dedicated to the selection of the proposal, the colour reliability and the anti-scratch treatment used to realise the colour collection, put at your disposal a unique tool of high quality and professionalism that will greatly help propose the system to the reference markets.
Lechler Map ® - Management software designed for final users of Lechler Colours and Products.
Lechler MAP ›
COLOR DESIGN is the Lechler's new concept connects chemical development with the evolution of the language of colour. Color Design ›
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