Sustainable products - Lechler Tech

A building that meets certifiable environmental respect criteria significantly improves the living conditions of its inhabitants. Italy is a European leader in Green Building.

During the application phase, paints are one of the main sources of VOCs - volatile organic compounds formed from molecules of different nature that can easily evaporate into the air at room temperature and be absorbed by our bodies.

VOCs are silent killers for the organisms that occupy homes, offices, recreational spaces, hospitals, care homes, schools, etc., and have been categorized by the World Health Organization, which monitors and regulates them internationally.

Water-based paints significantly reduce the use of solvents, thus limiting VOC emissions into the atmosphere.

Compliance with CAM Requirements

Green Public Procurement is an environmental policy tool aimed at fostering the development of a market for products and services with a reduced environmental impact through public demand, significantly contributing to the achievement of major European strategies such as efficient resource use or the Circular Economy. Within this framework, minimum environmental criteria - CAM - have been defined for various phases of the purchasing process, aimed at identifying the best environmental solution, product, or service throughout its life cycle.

CAM - Minimum Environmental Criteria - does not identify a certificate or declaration but criteria to ensure suitable quality in terms of environmental and human respect.

Mandatory regulations for products used in Italian public buildings or used in private buildings receiving public funding. Product approval is part of the procurement or funding procedure.

Environmental Protocols
Our products can be used in the construction of buildings that require compliance with LEED, WELL, and BREEAM requirements.

BREEAM is an environmental sustainability assessment methodology, developed in 1988 by the Building Research Establishment (BRE). It is one of the most significant international certifications, designed to monitor, assess, and certify the sustainability of buildings. Solutions aimed at reducing costs and maintenance interventions of the building, in order to achieve the best indoor environmental conditions. It is voluntary and applicable to any type of building.

LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - is an energy and sustainability certification standard promoted by the U.S. Green Building Council that certifies the sustainability level of a building. It is voluntary and applicable to any type of building. It considers the entire life cycle of the building, from its design to ensure it is energy self-sufficient and relies exclusively on clean energy.

WELL is an innovative, voluntary tool for classifying and certifying buildings in terms of comfort, health, and wellbeing of the people living inside, in terms of perceptual and biodynamic wellbeing. It is voluntary and applicable to any type of building. In Italy, the movement is rapidly growing, based on a checklist divided into 10 categories called “Concepts”.