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IVE News

Great Success for Green-Tech Filler and All Hi-Efficiency Lechler Products at the Autokorjaamo Fair in Helsinki, Finland Monday, December 19, 2016

Great Success for Green-Tech Filler and All Hi-Efficiency Lechler Products at the Autokorjaamo Fair in Helsinki, Finland

The Finnish fair dedicated to the Automotive sector, Autokorjaamo, has just finished.

CONAI for Eco Design: Lechler is one of the award-winning companies for the creation and use of green packaging Saturday, November 26, 2016

CONAI for Eco Design: Lechler is one of the award-winning companies for the creation and use of green packaging

Categories: RefinishCorporate

On 23 November, the winners of the 2016 edition of Conai’s Prevention Competition were officially announced in the magnificent setting of the Triennale di Milano. Conai has allocated euro 300,000 for packaging manufacturers and users who are focused on ensuring Eco Sustainable Packaging. Lechler, a winner on stage!

Be even more efficient with Lechler Sunlight Checker Monday, October 24, 2016

Be even more efficient with Lechler Sunlight Checker

Categories: Refinish

LECHLER SUNLIGHT CHECKER is a lamp that reproduces the sunlight spectrum, allowing you to verify the accuracy of a colour hue without the need to move the machine from the oven or preparation area.

Lechler presents DIAMONDBURST Saturday, October 8, 2016

Lechler presents DIAMONDBURST

Lechler presents Diamondburst, a transparent thixotropic finish for two-coat paint cycles for pastel colours or colours with metallic or pearly effects.

MACROFAN AP AUTOLEVEL PRIMER: one product … a unique product! Wednesday, September 14, 2016

MACROFAN AP AUTOLEVEL PRIMER: one product … a unique product!

Categories: Refinish

After the growing success in terms of sales and usage by international body shops, Macrofan HS Autolevel primer now becomes even more versatile and universal!


Products catalogue

Catalogo online dei Prodotti Lechler
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all Lechler products ›

Lechler Map

Lechler Map ® - Management software designed for final users of Lechler Colours and Products.


Lechler MAP ›


Technical and Safety Data Sheets

Lechler Technical & Safety Data Sheets

Color Design

Lechler Color Design

COLOR DESIGN is the Lechler's new concept connects chemical development with the evolution of the language of colour. Color Design ›

Lechler 4 You

Lechler for You

Discover all the items we have realized to support you in your working activities and in your leisure time!


Lechler 4 You



Contatta Lechler

General contacts at Lechler S.p.A.

