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Lechler S.p.A. | Press Page

Festival della Luce – Lake Como Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Festival della Luce – Lake Como

Once again, Lechler sponsored “Festival della Luce”, the event held in Como during the month of May as part of the International Year of Light and entered as one of the EXPO 2015 territorial events
Lechler and Fabrizio Musa in: FABRIZIO MUSA PUBLIC WORKS 2004_2014 Friday, December 12, 2014

Lechler and Fabrizio Musa in: FABRIZIO MUSA PUBLIC WORKS 2004_2014

What does an artist have in common with a chemical company?  
The answer is surprising: a whole lot. 
2013 - Madama Butterfly - Venice Tuesday, July 16, 2013

2013 - Madama Butterfly - Venice

Categories: Lechler for Art
Ten years have passed since our Hologram (Lechsys System for Industry) covered with pearled white the creation named “The Wave UFO” was created by the artist Mariko Mori, designed by Architect Marco Della Torre...
2013 - Rivarossi: masterpieces made by an Italian worldwide myth, painted by Lechler Thursday, May 9, 2013

2013 - Rivarossi: masterpieces made by an Italian worldwide myth, painted by Lechler

Categories: Lechler for Art
It was impossible for us not to be keen on the project presented by Prof. Mottola: bringing back to life the historical little Rivarossi trains through an exhibition in Como heath. People passionate in model collecting and thousands of little children came to visit this wonderful exhibition which has been organised in Como, Palazzo del Broletto, from 14th to 28th April.
2012 - Lechler is the supplier with Chrèon paints in the project "FRONTIER-La linea dello stile" Wednesday, September 26, 2012

2012 - Lechler is the supplier with Chrèon paints in the project "FRONTIER-La linea dello stile"

Categories: Lechler for Art
The project Frontier (June 2012 / January 2013), intends to highlight the Writing and the Street Art re-acquainting some popular areas in Bologna with some international artists contributions. The mural paintings have been obtained with the utilisation of the Framaton Riveste Prof and Framaquarz Prof products.

Products catalogue

Catalogo online dei Prodotti Lechler
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Lechler Map

Lechler Map ® - Management software designed for final users of Lechler Colours and Products.


Lechler MAP ›


Technical and Safety Data Sheets

Lechler Technical & Safety Data Sheets

Color Design

Lechler Color Design

COLOR DESIGN is the Lechler's new concept connects chemical development with the evolution of the language of colour. Color Design ›

Lechler 4 You

Lechler for You

Discover all the items we have realized to support you in your working activities and in your leisure time!


Lechler 4 You



Contatta Lechler

General contacts at Lechler S.p.A.

