From the 6th to 14th of October 2012 the International Boat Show will be holding its 52nd edition in Genoa.
This year as in the past, Lechler will be present with a stand dedicated to the Stoppani brand, where we will be glad to welcome professionals and those passionate in this field, interested in discovering the many new proposals for the yachting brand.
This year will be presented three absolute firsts. Great expectations for two new products which complete the Isofan Marine line range. They are: Isofan Marine Classic, 2k polyester enamel (applicable also by brush), thanks to its outstanding application and performance it exceeds the level of the best finishes of the reference market, and Isofan Marine Clearcoat Tixo, the new 2k brilliant transparent with maximum performance in terms of verticality, formulated with acrylic resins, able to confer the highest level of resistance in the marine environment. The other important innovation is represented by Noa Noa Active, soft matrix self-polishingantifouling, particularly suitable for the protection of hulls of sailboats or displacement, which completes the wide range of antifouling created by Stoppani.
Once again, great emphasis will be given to the initiative: Isofan Marine Qualified Painters, addressed to professional applicators that have adopted the Isofan Marine system and related colour technologies and will be awarded for the best work that the applicators have performed over the last year.
We wait for you at Hall C - Upper Floor-Gallery - Stand M26.
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