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Macrofan PRIMA UHS Clearcoat
Monday, October 14, 2024

Macrofan PRIMA UHS Clearcoat

Categories: Refinish, Ess&re

The first BIO-BASED brilliant and fast in all situations!

Lechler further expands the proposal in the field of UHS Clearcoats to guarantee an even more sustainable solution suitable for any repair and in any condition.
Macrofan PRIMA UHS Clearcoat is a two-pack Ultra High Solid Acrylic Clearcoat formulated with raw materials deriving from renewable sources with a high aesthetic appearance and fast drying, ideal for all types of repairs.

• SIMPLICITY: in preparation (2:1 ratio, without additional reducers/additives) and in application

• AESTHETIC APPEARANCE: high gloss and full-bodied film applied without absorption over time

• SPEED: fast drying at just 40-50°C

• ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: low VOC level of the product and 30% of raw materials from renewable sources

MACROFAN PRIMA UHS CLEARCOAT allows you to MINIMIZE THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT, also thanks to its BIO-BASED, while maintaining high standards of PRODUCTIVITY and final QUALITY of the repair


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