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Friday, October 12, 2012

12/10/2012 - The adventure continues JRATA3 and approaches the big day of the crossing!

Categories: News ed Eventi
As we anticipated in March, the Atlantic crossing is imminent for the two sailors Andrea Rossi and Luca Tosi. Lechler is following them in every stop-over marking their long journey.

 Look at the video LINK


Training on Lake Garda have now ended and Andrea Rossi  and Luca Tosi have started their approach to Dakar, where they will try to better in the Dakar-Guadalupa transatlantic record crossing for 2.400 yachting miles with their small catamaran named JRata3

After a first stop-over in Hyères, on the French coast, during the summer months they moved to Valencia (Spain) with a lot of problems due to unfortunate weather conditions and then to Portugal where they are stopping over, waiting to go down to the African coast.

Lechler is together with them in their difficult passage!
Good luck guys! 


For further information visit the website: www.jrata.ch 


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