Poznaj nasz nowy program EASY EFFICIENCY dzięki Flavio i Tarcisio – lakiernicy, którzy pracują w jednakowych warunkach, ale używają różnych metod pracy. Odkryj #SOEASY oraz kalendarz na rok 2019.
Along with the launch of the new Easy Workstation we announce with pleasure the availability of the new tool for the search, selection and preparation of Lechler colours and products: EASY BOX MAP
We are pleased to communicate to you the introduction of the new editions for the collection: COLOR Box. This is a significant evolution of this system for manual colour search, using sprayed out cards and launched to the market in the ‘80s, it’s already in the 6th edition and in a completely new format.
We have the pleasure to announce the launch of COLOR MATCH Easy MAP - SPECTROPHOTOMETER. This is a significant evolution of the automatic colour search system CME, introduced to the market from 2011 and now completely integrated inside the management software of Lechler MAP.
Lechler przedstawia Diamondburst, bezbarwne tiksotropowe wykończenie w cyklu dwuwarstwowym dla kolorów pastelowych oraz metalicznych i perłowych.