The (AEO) Authorised Economic Operators - Certificate was recognized after an ad hoc Audit by the Agenzia delle Dogane, the customs authorities in Italy, giving evidence that customs obligations were fulfilled, accounting criteria were met and financial solvency was proved. In addition, Agility demonstrated compliance with appropriate safety and security rules in order to receive “AEO / Security” status. Lechler has been awarded its AEOF Certification with validity starting from 2010/06/22. The AEOF accreditation offers many advantages to Lechler: simplified customs procedures and security processes, resulting in faster movement and fewer inspections of incoming and outgoing goods. With the new Lechler status, customers will also profit from operational benefits. The EU Certification programme is also addressed to producers, exporters, forwarders, custom brokers and importers, who are involved in the activities ruled by customs obligations and are considered as trustworthy and safe in the purchasing process. The news has been published on the EU website.
26/08/2014. Notice is hereby given that the AEO Team of the Customs Office of Como, at the outcome of the monitoring performed in the office to "oversee compliance with the conditions and criteria that the authorised economic operator must respect" (c.f. Art. 14 octodecies, paragraph 4, of the Implementation Provisions of the Community Customs Code), in line with EU rules and the procedural instructions imparted by the central and territorial departments, confirms the capacity of the Holder of the AEO certificate to continue to satisfy the requirements provided by the Implementation Provisions of the Community Customs Code, Art. 14-nonies, -decies, -undecies, -duodecies.
It is deemed that:
•the status can be confirmed with maintenance of the previous AA reliability level:
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