Colour is a language that continues to evolve. Technological, cultural and artistic changes have always influenced the domestic landscape in our homes and surrounding environments. The analysis of past products revealed that significant colour changes are recorded in cycles which means that general colour preferences for the near future can be predicted with a fair degree of accuracy.
Defining new scenarios is an essential aspect of Color Design and contributes to determining the quality of home environments, architectural features of buildings and the commercial success of an industrial product.
The Color Design Project by Lechler, organized in partnership with the industrial designer Francesca Valan, provides indications, suggestions and technical information to make choosing colour and finishes easier.
Projects that are included in Lechler Color Design:
The Fuorisalone of Milan set off a series of meetings to present the latest projects of Color Design
“We won’t stop colouring the world”. In keeping with our mission, we organised a series of events in our sites and at our international distributors to present “The Way of Effects”.
Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Finland, Brazil, Russia and UK are the first stops of a tour we wish will never end and bring Color Design in every part of the world where there is a designer, a style centre or a producer with a strong desire to project something unique.
Our contents found room at the PaintExpo in Germany, the 4DD Design and Arena Design in Poland and the Romanian Design Week. Also in Romania, we were guests of an event organised by the Ella Decoration Romania and the Interior Design DallesGo School. In the coming months we will take part in different fairs in Brazil, such as the Formobile, the Feitintase High Design Expo, in addition to the Italian Sicam.
We won’t stop colouring the world!
Color Design is:
Lechler Map ® - Management software designed for final users of Lechler Colours and Products.
Lechler MAP ›
COLOR DESIGN is the Lechler's new concept connects chemical development with the evolution of the language of colour. Color Design ›
Discover all the items we have realized to support you in your working activities and in your leisure time!
Lechler 4 You
General contacts at Lechler S.p.A.