Restarting the growth understanding the future. In the Lechler SpA Strategic Plan emerges the need to restore turnover sales figures obtained before the economic crisis through industrial and commercial alliances. In this intention, the society has acquired the control of I.V.E. Industria Vernici Fermo Galbiati & C. S.r.l., controlling 80% of IVE do Brazil.
Lechler Map ® - Management software designed for final users of Lechler Colours and Products.
Lechler MAP ›
COLOR DESIGN is the Lechler's new concept connects chemical development with the evolution of the language of colour. Color Design ›
Discover all the items we have realized to support you in your working activities and in your leisure time!
Lechler 4 You
What is sustainability for Lechler. Projects, products and objectives.
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