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Lechler S.p.A. | Press Page

Lechler S.p.A. acquire the control of the I.V.E. Group and set foot in the Brazilian market Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lechler S.p.A. acquire the control of the I.V.E. Group and set foot in the Brazilian market

“Restarting the growth understanding the future”. In the Lechler SpA Strategic Plan emerges the need to restore turnover sales figures obtained before the economic crisis through industrial and commercial alliances. In this intention, the society has acquired the control of I.V.E. Industria Vernici Fermo Galbiati & C. S.r.l., controlling 80% of IVE do Brazil.
24/06/2013 - Lechler S.p.A. acquire the control of the I.V.E. Group and set foot in the Brazilian market Wednesday, June 26, 2013

24/06/2013 - Lechler S.p.A. acquire the control of the I.V.E. Group and set foot in the Brazilian market

Categories: News ed Eventi

“Restarting the growth understanding the future”. In the Lechler SpA Strategic Plan emerges the need to restore turnover sales figures obtained before the economic crisis through industrial and commercial alliances. In this intention, the society has acquired the control of I.V.E. Industria Vernici Fermo Galbiati & C. S.r.l., controlling 80% of IVE do Brazil.

11/03/2013 - Great success for Lechler at the CNR EURASIA BOAT SHOW in Istanbul Sunday, March 10, 2013

11/03/2013 - Great success for Lechler at the CNR EURASIA BOAT SHOW in Istanbul

The last edition of the CNR EURASIA BOAT SHOW di Istanbul has recently ended. Lechler had the opportunity to get involved in the Mediterranean Sea next to their Turkish distributor .
13/02/2013 - Lechler at the CNR EURASIA BOAT SHOW – Istanbul Tuesday, February 12, 2013

13/02/2013 - Lechler at the CNR EURASIA BOAT SHOW – Istanbul

Lechler will attend the second biggest worldwide show with their Stoppani product line from the 15th to 24th February in Turkey .
Lechler is launching the New Master Chroma, the new Lechler colour sample conceived for Industry and Industrial vehicles. Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lechler is launching the New Master Chroma, the new Lechler colour sample conceived for Industry and Industrial vehicles.

New Master Chroma is the new colour sample for Industrial Lechler mixing machines: Lechsys, Lechsys Hydro and Isofan HS.

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Lechler Map

Lechler Map ® - Management software designed for final users of Lechler Colours and Products.


Lechler MAP ›


Technical and Safety Data Sheets

Lechler Technical & Safety Data Sheets

Color Design

Lechler Color Design

COLOR DESIGN is the Lechler's new concept connects chemical development with the evolution of the language of colour. Color Design ›

Lechler 4 You

Lechler for You

Discover all the items we have realized to support you in your working activities and in your leisure time!


Lechler 4 You



Contatta Lechler

What is sustainability for Lechler. Projects, products and objectives.


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