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"Vedo a Colori: Thanks to Cluana Color, Chrèon Colors the Walls of Civitanova (Marche)"
Friday, September 20, 2024

"Vedo a Colori: Thanks to Cluana Color, Chrèon Colors the Walls of Civitanova (Marche)"

The widespread artwork conceived and directed by artist Giulio Vesprini has become an important attraction for tourists from all over the world.

The Urban Art Museum of Civitanova, part of the project envisioned, created, and pursued by artist Giulio Vesprini, continues to expand, including the Salesian Oratory, schools, and the headquarters of Cluana Color, the distributor through which we supply the products for the creation of the artworks.

“Vedo a Colori” represents an ever-evolving work involving artists from all over the world. It currently occupies 2,000 square meters of external facades of buildings, warehouses, houses, and port structures, serving as a point of reference for tourists as an Urban Art Museum.

Each individual piece—approximately 9 meters by 6 meters—is standalone but connects with the others through a kind of common thread dictated by color.

For more information:
Instagram: Vedo a Colori
Facebook: Vedo a Colori-Street Art Civitanova Marche


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