Color Design – Kolor staje się Designem

Nowy projekt Lechler, łączący rozwój chemiczny z ewolucją języka koloru.


Kolor to język, który stale ewoluuje. Zmiany technologiczne, kulturalne i artystyczne zawsze miały wpływ na wygląd otoczenia i przestrzeni naszego domu. Analiza przedmiotów na przestrzeni lat dowodzi, że istotne zmiany chromatyczne są cykliczne, co pozwala przewidzieć z dużą dokładnością ogólne preferencje kolorystyczne w najbliższej przyszłości. 

Definiowanie nowych scenariuszy jest fundamentem projektowania kolorów i przyczynia się do określenia jakości przestrzeni domowej, architektonicznych cech budynków oraz komercyjnego sukcesu produktu przemysłowego. 

Projekt Color Design firmy Lechler został opracowany we współpracy z projektantką przemysłową Francescą Valan – specjalistką w dziedzinie CMF (Color, Material, Finish); dostarcza wskazówki oraz informacje techniczne, aby ułatwić wybór koloru i wykończenia.

Projekty w ramach programu Lechler Color Design:

Color Trainer

Color Trainer: i colori giusti per  dipingere le pareti di casa tua



Color Trend Consultant: 

Color Trend Consultant: nuove finiture in colori di tendenza per i prodotti industriali


Lechler Tech

Color Trend Habitat: 

Color Trend HABITAT presentato a Ventura Lambrate, Fuorisalone




Outdoor Pleasure


Color Design Habitat Building


Fuorisalone 2024 - The Way of Ethic Colors

Fuorisalone 2023 - The way of Relations


Fuorisalone 2021/22

Fuorisalone 2021

Fuorisalone 2018 - Flickr

The Way of effects - Fuorisalone 2018

Fuorisalone 2017 - Flickr

The Way of Classics - Fuorisalone 2017

Fuorisalone 2016 - Flickr

The Way of Gold - Fuorisalone 2016

Fuorisalone 2015 - Flickr

Color Design #Fuorisalone2015 a Ventura Lambrate

VIDEO: Fuorisalone 2021 - The Way of Accent

VIDEO: Fuorisalone 2019 - The Way of Nature

VIDEO: Fuorisalone 2018 - The Way of Effects

VIDEO: Fuorisalone 2017 - The Way of Classic

VIDEO: Fuorisalone 2016 - The  Way of Gold

Color Design - Press

Color Trend Consultant CLASSICS: classical hues for lasting objects
czwartek, 2 lutego 2017

Color Trend Consultant CLASSICS: classical hues for lasting objects

The latest collection designed by Color Trend Consultant, Lechler’s Color Design® project for the industry, has now been launched with classical hues that inspire the historical colours of both Italian and European

Lechler presents the fourth Color Trend Consultant collection.  After collections PastelliPolineutri and Golden Shades, which intercepted and anticipated colour trends, Lechler takes us by surprise with the Classics Collection that issues from Francesca Valan‘s study and reinterpretation of historical colours.

The PASTELLI collection recalled the soft pastel tones of the 1950s with supermatt finishes; the POLINEUTRI collection revisited metallic paints, enhancing them with colour; while the GOLDEN SHADES collection endowed metallic paints with warmth, leading to the Glam trend after the resounding absence of warm metals for many decades. However, though the first three collections witnessed the return of colours that were long absent from the scene of artefacts and furnishing accessories in our houses, the same cannot be said of the CLASSICS collection, which presents timeless colours that have characterised several historical ages and periods, and which have played an important part even in the history of art.

Blue, Red, White and Green: at a time of considerable uncertainty and transition, classical colours convey a sense of safety because they belong to our colour-related DNA and can interpret all languages ranging from minimal to glam, chromatic and natural. Colours produced with the latest technological systems are the ideal choice for long-lasting artefacts. Colour affects the life cycle of an industrial product, at times accelerating its ageing. Colours in the Classics Collection are studied to stand the test of time and to preserve, and even extend, an object’s life. Objects must be less eye-catching to have a longer life cycle.

The collection includes 4 ranges: WHITE, RED, GREEN and BLUE, featuring gloss (60 gloss) and supergloss (90 gloss) finishes.

White opens the collection with three cold shades: Pure, Pearl and Off White. Red, Green and Blue are graded by saturation and finish:

  • Accent: solid, pure and glossy hues;
  • Metallic: shades that create a high saturation effect;
  • Dark: dark and supergloss colours.

Classical shades prefer monochromatic solutions but the range also allows monochromatic, bicrhomatic and polychromatic shades.

Every colour is associated with a painting cycle that ensures, besides the desired tone, adhesion on plastic, compounds, metal and glass, even adequate resistance and, especially, application costs that meet the requirements of industrialisation.

For 60 GLOSS CLASSICS, a single layer 60 Gloss solution can be used with direct adhesion on plastic, compounds, metal and glass. Pastel shades are achieved by using the product 2K PLASTICGRIP. The choice of this cycle with 2K PLASTICGRIP, which is rapid and economical, endows the object with a pleasant glossy effect that is resistant to both scratches and cleaning.

For METALLIC CLASSICS, a double layer solution has been created with a supergloss (90 Gloss) effect achieved by applying metallic and pearly shades in a double layer cycle with products 2K HIGH MATT BASE + TIXO KLARLACK 09. The supergloss cycle enhances the effect of colours by ensuring the utmost resistance to scratches, light and cleaning.

90 GLOSS CLASSICS are produced with a solution that ensures direct adherence on metal with a supergloss effect (90 gloss) and pastel shades with the product ACRYL 2K. The gloss finish ACRYL 2K, with direct adhesion to the medium conveys excellent aesthetics and resistance to atmospheric agents.

Color Trend Consultant Classics, as other Color Design® projects, offers both technical and humanistic content. The shades chosen by colour designer Francesca Valan are produced with modern chemical technologies developed by Lechler laboratories in solutions that can be easily adopted and industrialised.

The collection, a preview of which was presented at the annual meeting with Lechler Tech Club’s partner  distributors, Lechler Tech staff and colour designer Francesca Valan, is now available and will also be shown with applications on actual objects at the MIlan Fuorisalone 2017 , side event of the Milan Furniture Fair.
