Just over a month to the opening of the sixth Paint Expo, the German trade fair held in Karlsruhe, the second biggest city in the State of Baden-Württember.
Just like every year, numerous visitors are expected to flock to the event to discover the latest products on the industrial painting market.
142,000 square metres and over 450 exhibitors from 25 different countries.
Lechler, which has already attended the event in past years in support of its foreign distributors, will be present with its own stand for the second time, overseen by the German branch from Kassel.
This will obviously also be an opportunity to present Color Trend Consultant GOLDEN SHADES, the brand new range of fashionable shades. The real protagonists now are warm metals, which have taken the place of the metallic greys and cold tones of the minimal look to become the epitome of glam!
Get your free entrance voucher by using this link http://paintexpo.ticketstore-online.de/vrvisitor?discountcode=UG3CS and come and see us at PaintExpo 2016 – area F131!
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COLOR DESIGN is the Lechler's new concept connects chemical development with the evolution of the language of colour. Color Design ›
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