After exploring the dialogue between human being, his manufactured items and the environment, a new perspective arrives to foster relationships between mankind and the rediscovery of the sense of community, because the new challenges for a more sustainable future can be won only with everyone's involvement.
IED presents the new concept developed by the students of the Master in Transportation Design in collaboration with Mitsubishi Motors. Technical sponsor: Lechler!
“The way of” series in the Lechler Color Design project, on show at the fair for the first time with all collections side by side. Painting solutions with sustainable, high-performance and industrially viable cycles.
A journey into the culture of colour that manages to suggest and stimulate, support and inspire designers, architects, opinion makers, industries, and end consumers.
The version 4 of LECHLER MAP, the Lechler colour and product management programme, is now available and is identified by a new graphic which, starting from the logo, will gradually replace the current version on the market.