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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lechler partner in the National Olympiad in Paris (worldskills)

Categories: News ed Eventi
Lechler has been named as Refinish official partner in the National Olympiad in Paris


David Cluzel, ha vinto la medaglia d’oro; il giovane carrozziere ci racconta: “Le Olimpiadi dei Mestieri sono stati un’esperienza straordinaria! Non ero andato alle selezioni regionali per vincere ma per mettermi a confronto e vedere il livello dei miei coetanei oltre che per scambiare opinioni su questo mestiere che tanto mi appassiona.”. Parigino di vent’anni, David gioca a rugby e conosce perfettamente i prodotti Lechler che ha utilizzato nella scuola professionale da cui proviene, istituto approvvigionato dal distributore Lechler CCSdi Cornas(distretto 26).

Appuntamento quindi a Londra per le finali mondiali di Ottobre !

The national French final of the WorldSkills (Olympiades des Métiers), organised by Worldskills, was held in Paris last February. After regional selections, the competition saw 750 young people for 48 different jobs: from design to body repair, from gardening to aesthetics, from welding to jewellery.

The gold medallist for each job gains access to the International final competition that has been scheduled in London in October this year.
Lechler has been named as Refinish official partner and they have supplied the competitors with products and equipment and with their technicians skills.
The stand for body repair competitions has been equipped with modern equipments thanks to the partnership with the distributor Lechler LDI. A new cabin named EUROPA (which has been assembled in only three days), the last models of the aerographs SATA and, of course, all the Lechler products: from the Green-TI Filler filler to the complete range for spot Repair Energy Spray Line, and from the Hydrofan basecoat in their Hydrobox to the Macrofan MC411 universal clearcoat.
Jacques Narciso and Eric Profit from Lechler supported the organisational team in the preparation of the Refinish area and gave their technical support for the Lechler materials.

David Cluzel, gained the gold medal. The young body repairer tells us: “The WorldSkills have been an extraordinary experience! I did not go to the regional selections with the aim of winning, but to put me in competition with other people, to see the professional level of my colleagues and also to change opinions about this job I personally like”. A twenty-year old Parisian, David plays rugby and knows perfectly the Lechler products he has used at the professional school he studied which has been supplied by the distributor Lechler CCSdi Cornas (district number 26).

Meeting in October in London for the worlwide final !


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