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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hydropur 2K Filler Off White

Categories: News ed Eventi
The new waterborne filler for industrial vehicles!

HYDROPUR FILLER is the new waterbased  white filler for industrial vehicles, for production, restoration and repair.
The new Lechler Tech filler is particularly recommended for all kinds of work on large surfaces in a dry on dry process. It can be overcoated both with waterborne and solvent standard top coats.
Easy application, excellent film tension and excellent drying allow the reduction of time and cost in the industrial painting process. Excellent filling power, very good sanding and low absorption of the finishing enamels,  HYDROPUR 2K FILLER is the new precious friend in the industrial vehicles field.

HYDROPUR 2K FILLER completes the wide Lechler Tech  Water Based and HS product system for the industrial field.



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