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Lechler for art

For a long while Lechler has engaged in promoting and supporting Arts through cooperation with architects and artists in Italy and abroad.
Lechler for Art is an ensemble of activities in which the Company is involved supporting events, masterpieces and musical initiatives particularly those occurring in Como, Headquarters of the Company where the town is considered rich in precious architectural works and with beautiful monuments with high artistic value.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Categories: News ed Eventi
It is a versatile finish that can be used to see particular structural or furniture elements in total darkness.

Una finitura versatile utile per rendere visibili al buio particolari strutturali o di arredamento. È Ghost, la finitura luminescente, da applicare in triplo strato su placche di interruttori, maniglie, corrimano, cornici, serrature e tutti i supporti ai quali si voglia dare particolare evidenza. Grazie alla sua speciale formulazione con innovativi pigmenti, Ghost è in grado di assorbire una buona quantità di energia se sottoposta a fonti luminose, che una volta al buio restituisce sotto forma di fotoni di luce. Il concept è così innovativo da spingersi oltre i confini del “particolare”, divenendo un effetto dall’enorme potenziale creativo in grado di valorizzare anche grandi superfici.


Products catalogue

Catalogo online dei Prodotti Lechler
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all Lechler products ›

Lechler Map

Lechler Map ® - Management software designed for final users of Lechler Colours and Products.


Lechler MAP ›


Technical and Safety Data Sheets

Lechler Technical & Safety Data Sheets

Color Design

Lechler Color Design

COLOR DESIGN is the Lechler's new concept connects chemical development with the evolution of the language of colour. Color Design ›

Lechler 4 You

Lechler for You

Discover all the items we have realized to support you in your working activities and in your leisure time!


Lechler 4 You



Contatta Lechler

General contacts at Lechler S.p.A.

